How to Join

We are delighted you are considering joining our LETS scheme. We are an established and successful community, and we welcome new members.

If you think CamLETS is for you, please review the information below and complete the Application Form. We will share any further details needed to become a member.

Join CamLETS


Joining fee, including first year membership: £5
The details will be given to you when we receive your application.

After the first year, the annual membership subscription rate is:

  • 20 Cams + £8 standard/£5 concession
  • OR (by agreement with the Membership Secretary) 30 Cams only
  • OR (by agreement with the Membership Secretary, if Cams balance is below -50) £18 standard / £15 concession

Payments can be made with bank transfer, cash, cheque or standing order. Payment details (members only)

Before You Join

Have a look at the website to get a feel for how it works - you can see the kinds of things on offer or wanted - and take note of the date of the next social and trading event.

Please then read the About us page and FAQs, Constitution and Members' agreement.

After You Join

Once your account has been created you will receive guidance by email on how to update your profile and create your offers and wants. These will automatically appear in the lists of Offers & Wants, emailed to members.

Questions to get you started

These questions will help you think about what you can offer and what you may want from LETS. Both are equally important. Think of:

  1. Three things that you love doing, e.g. painting, tuition, organising things, cooking, writing, growing plants etc.

  2. Three things that you hate doing (there may be people on LETS who love doing what you hate), e.g. decluttering, writing difficult letters, cleaning windows, shopping, gardening, cooking etc.

  3. Three items you have, which you could LEND to others, e.g. your lawn mower, internet access, fax, tools, spare room, camping equipment, guide books etc.

  4. Any items which you might wish to sell for Cams, e.g. garden produce, crafts, unwanted clothes, shoes, books, toys, equipment, bric-a-brac, furniture etc.

  5. Three things you would WANT on CamLETS, and circle the ones you dare ask for.

Just jot down your first ideas and then rewrite them as listings. We'll be happy to help with the wording. You may have more than three things, and if so, GREAT! If you can't think of three things, don't worry! We'd encourage you to try anyway.

If you still have questions, please contact us or explore the links below.

About CamLETS | Joining and costs | Constitution | Members' agreement | Privacy policy and GDPR | [Apply now]

Page last updated 10/12/21 by CT